Creativity Tip: Don't Give Up!

don't give upIn ECT TV Episode 4 I talked a little bit about not giving up, but I wanted to talk about it some more.I know that a lot of you are new to making jewelry and that some of the pieces that you are trying to make are the very first pieces you've ever made.And even if you are not new, you may be trying new things you never have tried before.Or even if this advice doesn't apply to your jewelry making, it can apply anywhere in your life.Don't Give Up!So many times in life we look for the shortest route, the easy way, the quick fix.  I'm 100% fine with shortcuts and finding easy ways to do things.But sometimes it's not easy.  Sometimes you work on a design and you try to crimp the crimp beads or tie a knot and it fails and your design falls apart.Don't think, "Well I'm not any good at this, so forget it."You don't even really know if you're good at it or not yet.  You haven't given it a chance.Most everything you do takes some practice.  You're going to have horrible bracelets and terrible designs that fall apart.  You need practice to get good at making jewelry.Honestly, I did not understand crimp bead tools for the longest time.  I'd try and try and it didn't work.  Then one day it clicked.  And then I tried again and then I kept at it until I got good at it.Wire work came more easily for me.  And some things will come more easily for you, too.But don't give up because you feel like you failed before you even get started!If you're using one of my tutorials, reread it (or watch it again if it's a video) and see where you might have gone wrong.  Send me an email and ask me and I'll help you as best I can.Jewelry making can be so much fun!  It also can be difficult and frustrating when you are learning.But don't give up after just a project or 2.  Keep trying.Don't give up!

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