ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch Earrings Tutorial

ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsToday I have a new episode of Emerging Creatively Tutorials TV (ECT TV)!In this episode of Emerging Creatively Tutorials TV, learn how to make Gemstone Chip Bunch Earrings.You'll learn:

  • How to make a bead dangle (a/k/a a wire wrapped loop on a headpin with a bead),
  • How to open and close jump rings and
  • How to put it together to make a beautiful pair of earrings.

Here's today's video episode:ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsStep-by-Step Photo Instructions:These are the step-by-step photo instructions of the same tutorials that's in the video.ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsMaterials and Tools:

  • Gemstone chip beads (You'll need about 16, depending on long you want to make your earrings) I used Amazonite Chip Gemstone Beads
  • Headpins - 1 for each bead (use pre-made from the store or learn how to make spiral and knotted headpins here)
  • Jump rings - any size will work, 1 for each bead (I used 7mm)
  • Earring Wires (learn how to make your own earring wires here)
  • Wire cutters
  • Round nose pliers
  • Chain nose pliers
  • Bent nose pliers

For a quick tip to make all of your wire wrapped loops uniform for this project, click here.Step #1ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsFirst we will make a bunch of bead dangles.  I used 8 bead dangles on each earring for a total of 16.  You may want to adjust the number of bead dangles to make your earrings longer or shorter.First slide a bead onto a headpin.Step #2ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsHold the headpin in round nose pliers about 1/4" above the bead.  Line up the wire vertically with the mark you make on your round nose pliers to make your loops uniform.  (See quick tip here for more about that.)Note:  these beads are different shapes and sizes and this can be kind of awkward.  Just do your best.Step #3ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsWrap the headpin around the round nose pliers to form a loop.Step #4ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsThe loop will not be centered on the top of the bead, so we'll fix that now.ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsHold the loop in chain nose pliers. Wrap the wire around once and while doing that pull the bead out straight.ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsStep #5ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsWrap around 2 more times.Step #6ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsTrim off the excess wire making a flush cut. (Use the back of most wire cutters toward what you're cutting to make a nice straight cut.)Step #7ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsUse your chain nose pliers to make sure the end isn't poking out.  (Tucking in the wire tip.)Step #8ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsRepeat to make 16 bead dangles.Step #9ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsOpen up 16 jump rings.  You'll need 8 for each earring.For how to open a jump ring, click here for a quick video or see the episode video above.Step #10ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsIf you have any gemstone chip bead dangles that are larger than the rest, start with that one.  Place the bead dangle on a jump ring and close it.Step #11ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsPlace the jump ring you just closed into an open jump ring.Step #12ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsAdd a bead dangle to that jump ring and close it.Step #13ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsContinue the process of adding an open jump ring and a bead dangle to the last jump ring you closed until you add all 8 bead dangles.For the last one, allow the bead to go to the side and use that jump ring to attach to the earring wire.Hints:  As you're adding bead dangles take note of which side they fall on.  You could end up with all of the bead dangles on one side if you're not careful.  Just make sure to check before adding the next jump ring.I like to use a headpin or a piece of wire to hold the last jump ring because otherwise it can get confusing.Step #14ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsOpen an earring wire.  It's similar to opening a jump ring.Step #15ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsAdd the last jump ring to the loop in the earring wire and close the earring wire.Step #16ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch EarringsRepeat all the steps for the second earring!ECT TV Episode 68: Gemstone Chip Bunch Earrings

Inspired eCourseGet Inspired in my upcoming eCourse!!Inspired eCourse is an art journaling + jewelry making class!  I give you creativity activities and art journal prompts, you make art journal pages and then we pull out the inspiration from the art journal pages to make jewelry!Learn more and get signed up here.  (Starts on July 25th and it's the last time to take this class in 2016!  Price goes up on Monday, July 11th!)


Making Time For Creativity


ECT TV Episode 67: Spiral Wire Pendant