ECT TV Episode 67: Spiral Wire Pendant

ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantWelcome to Emerging Creatively Tutorials TV (ECT TV)!  In today's episode, I'll teach you how to make this pretty spiral pendant!Here's the video:ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantStep-by-Step Photo Instructions:This is the same tutorial that's in the video, but in step-by-step photos.Tools and Materials:

  • Big chunky focal bead that is side drilled (works better if it's at least somewhat flat)
  • 20 gauge half-hard wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Round nose pliers
  • Chain nose pliers

Step #1ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantCut about 10 inches of wire.  You may need to adjust the length depending on the size of your bead.  Mine is about 1 inch across.Step #2ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantSlide the bead on and center it on the wire.Step #3ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantCross the wires across the top keeping them tight against the bead.Step #4ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantTwist the wire in the middle of the bead.  I think the trickiest part is twisting in the middle.I twisted the wire twice.  Make sure to keep the wire tight against the bead.Step #5ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantWe'll work with one wire at a time, so I like to pull one up straight and the other off to the side.Step #6ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantHold the wire in round nose pliers about 1/4 inch above the twist.Step #7ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantWrap the wire around the pliers and in between the pliers and the twist forming a loop.Step #8ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantThe loop you just made will be off center, so we'll straighten it now.Hold the loop in chain nose pliers.  Wrap the wire around once while pulling the bead out straight.ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantStep #9ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantWrap the wire around 2 more times.Step #10ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantLeave any extra wire for now.Step #11ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantNow we'll work with the other wire that was just waiting off to the side.Pull it straight down the bead.Step #12ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantMake a flush cut on the end of the wire.  (On most wire cutters just use the back of the wire cutters toward what you're cutting.)Step #13ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantForm a loop.Hold the wire in round nose pliers so that the wire is at the top of the pliers but not poking through the top.  (You can run your finger over to check.)Twist the wrist that is holding the round nose pliers away from you while using your other hand to wrap the wire around the pliers.Go as far as your wrist will allow then readjust your round nose pliers in the wire and complete the loop.  It will look like a "P".Step #14ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantHold the loop in chain nose pliers.Step #15ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantPush the wire up.Step #16ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantReadjust the loop in the chain nose pliers so it's off to the side again and repeat step #15.  Continue to do this spiraling around until the spiral is where you would like it to be on the bead.I went a little more than halfway up the bead.ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantStep #17ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantUse your chain nose pliers to bend back the wire so the spiral is straight.Step #18ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantPush the spiral against the bead so it's flat.ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantStep #19ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantNow, with the other wire (the one that formed the wire wrapped loop at the top of the bead), you could just trim it and be done, but I decided to make a spiral at the top, too.Trim the wire to about an inch (or longer if you want a larger spiral.)Step #20ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantFollow Step #13 above to form a loop.Step #21ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantThen follow Steps #14 - #16 to make a spiral.You'll have to sort of adjust it when you're done with your chain nose pliers so it's in front of the wire wrapped loop.ECT TV Episode 67: Wire Spiral PendantJust add it to a chain or cord and you have a pretty pendant!

Upcoming eCourse:Inspired eCourseInspired eCourse gives you creativity activities and art journal prompts then I show you how to take the inspiration out of your art journal pages to design your own beautiful jewelry.The next session starts on July 25, 2016.Learn more about Inspired eCourse here.There is a payment plan available for easy weekly payments.Note:  This eCourse is not available all the time.  I run it once or twice a year.
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