Wire Wrapping for Beginners Day 24: Button Ring Wire Wrapped from Side

Wire wrapped button ring tutorialThis month I’m working my way though my own book, Wire Wrapping For Beginners, and making 1 project per day.  I wanted to show you different examples of the projects while making myself some new jewelry!Today is Day 24 and the project is the Button Ring Wire Wrapped from the Side.wire wrapped button ringFor this ring, I just stacked up some buttons and followed the tutorial.  I'm loving this ring.  I'm wearing it as I type right now.wire wrapped button ringThe Button Ring Wire Wrapped from the Side is in my book Wire Wrapping for Beginners.This tutorial is part of the Wire Wrapped Button eWorkshop.  You get a video and PDF eBook and you'll learn 2 different ways to make wire wrapped button rings.


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Wire Wrapping for Beginners Day 23: Button Ring