Focus Your Energy and Stretch Yourself

 I recently found Kelly McCausey through a series of clicks and links that I will never remember.  Kelly is passionate about solopreneurs and has a variety of products that will blow the socks off your business.I took her "The Power of a Focused Business" and it literally changed the focus of my business.  I'm still in the very, very beginning stages of it changing, but I know soon I will be owing her a big debt of gratitude.I'm now taking another course from her, which is proving to be just as fantastic.She's the sort of teacher who kicks your butt, in the nicest way possible.  I feel motivated to do the work just because she told me to.  Also, because I know what she says works.  (And don't get me wrong, she's also kind and giving.)The next Stretch Yourself Challenge is starting up at the beginning of May.  I haven't taken this particular course (yet!) but I know anything that Kelly puts out is amazing, provides tons of education, and will kick your butt into motion.And here's the thing, right now it's priced at $47.  The next time she does it (which will be in the fall) it will be $97.  (And once you pay for one of her courses, you never have to pay for it again.)I think this is going to be great.  There are group coaching calls and a private accountability forum.Click here to read all the details and to see if it's right for you.Are you going to join me?  Leave a comment below so I know to look for you!


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