How to Have a Jewelry Making Party

How to Have a Jewelry Making PartyHow to Have Your Own Jewelry Making PartyWant to have a great party with your favorite female friends?Have a jewelry making party!It's also the perfect activity for a little girl's birthday party!  Depending on their age you can allow them to pick out their beads and string them, and then you can help them finish the jewelry.Here are my tips to have a jewelry party:Step #1:  PlanningHere are some things to think about when you're planning your party:* What will you make?  Think about the jewelry making abilities of your friends who will be attending.  Are they already jewelry makers with their own tools?  Or are they complete newbies?  You'll have to pick out the activity based on the skill levels.Look through my free jewelry tutorials for ideas of things you can make.* If no one at your party has made jewelry before you can:

  • Hire someone to teach you.  (If you're in the Lancaster, PA area, you can hire me!)
  • Make something that uses minimal tools.  For example, make a Stretchy Bracelet, which takes no special tools.  Or try Glass Tile Pendants, which can be unique expressions and a beautiful reminder of the party and doesn't take any special tools.

* Make a list of the supplies you'll need:

  • Supplies for each person for the project.
  • Tools if needed.  Ask people to bring their own if they have them.
  • If you're doing a project that includes beads, get felt pieces to use a as place mat to keep the beads from rolling around.
  • A little bag to take home their project in is a nice touch.  I love these cotton bags which are handmade in the U.S.A.

* Plan out your snacks and refreshments.* You'll need a place to sit and some sort of table for them to work on as well.  You can use your dining room table, a folding table, TV trays or any combination.(Note:  There are places to rent if your home isn't conducive to having a group making jewelry.  For example in my area there is the Hobby House.  You might have similar places you could rent for a few hours.)Step #2:  PreparationNow that you've planned, it's time to start to prepare for your party.* If you are leading the project (not hiring someone to teach), make a sample and make sure you understand the project completely so you can teach others.* Gather and purchase the materials you'll need.* If possible, print instructions for each guest.  Here's a handy PDF of the Stretchy Bracelet Tutorial if you're going to be making that.  Click here:  Stretchy Beaded Bracelet.* Purchase snacks.* Gather the tables and chairs you'll need for the party.Step #3:  Right Before the PartyNow it's time to set up the party.* Set up the table and chairs and any decorations.* Set up a place for each guest with the materials, printed instructions, felt placemat (if applicable) and anything that they need that you are providing* Prepare and set up the snacksStep #4:  The PartyWoo hoo!  Party time!* Greet guests and show them to the snacks.* Relax, have fun and make your jewelry.I hope these simple instructions help make your next jewelry making party go smoothly.  The most important part?  Have fun!


How to Make a Stretchy Bracelet with Charms


How to Make a Bangle Bracelet