My Horrible Start with Craft Shows (it eventually got a lot better!)
{A photo from my first successful craft show!}When I first started making things to sell it wasn't jewelry. Yes, I had made jewelry since I was a child, but I put to to the side for several years.I started making and then selling my own bath and body products. Things like bath salts, shower gel, body lotions, salves, etc.
{I remember the camera I took this on. It was so long ago it had only 1 megapixel!}I started selling my bath and body products on eBay before I started selling anywhere else (and before etsy was created!)Then one day someone suggested I do a craft show. I had no intentions of ever doing such a thing. I was shy. It seemed like too much work. I was actually working full-time and going to school full-time at that time, too.Not to make things even more confusing, but I also had started making jewelry again, but I was mainly just selling it to family and friends.Well, I decided to try my very first craft show in a fire hall. I was sick with anxiety. I threw up. I set up my bath and body stuff. (No jewelry.)And I sold nothing.I tried a second show with bath and body stuff that was at a school and very busy. And again, I sold nothing. At some point during that show I got a terrible attitude and decided I didn't even want anybody to buy anything.The thing is I was completely off on my market. (Plus, I was also completely off what I was selling. I liked making bath and body stuff and I still do for myself, but it was never ever a passion of mine.)
{The first year I signed up for this particular show I chickened out and didn't do it. The next year I was very successful!}Eventually I started selling jewelry online along with my bath and body products and then eventually just jewelry.Someone convinced me to try another craft show. I got nervous and didn't do it at the last minute. I even had the car packed and started to drive there.Finally, later I tried another show.This time it was different. I was still very anxious, but I did it.It took me 3 hours to set up, but I did it. And I had success, too!What was different this time?I had prepared myself. I figured out my displays and practiced. I thought about what to say. I was in the right place selling the right thing (jewelry!)I think most of craft show success is simply being prepared for what to expect and what may happen, in addition to finding the show and having a great set up.That is exactly why I wrote Craft Show Tips. Since that awful start, I have done uncountable craft shows. That first year I did shows or markets ever single weekend (many times two a weekend!) I have learned so much and I share it all in the Craft Show Tips eBook!Learn more about the eBook here. It's just $6 and you get it instantly when you purchase (prices goes up June 16th).Not sure if you're ready to purchase yet? Sign up for my craft show tips newsletter and get emails every 1 to 2 weeks, plus you'll get my Craft Show Packing List when you sign up.