Creativity Countdown Week 5: Using Places as Creative Inspiration

creativity Countdown-001Each Monday for the next 5 weeks I’ll be posting a Creativity Booster.  There will be a variety of activities to try.  Sometimes there will be videos and sometimes photos.  These activities will boost your creativity and make you feel more creative so that you can express yourself in your jewelry making.What are we counting down to?Well, I’m so glad you asked!  January 5, 2015 (I know it seems far off now!) we’ll be starting our next round of Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse.  It’s a six week eCourse with weekly prompts to help you rediscover or boost your creativity, jewelry lessons and jewelry projects.To learn more about Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry, click here.Week 8 can be found here.Week 7 can be found here.Week 6 can be found here.Creativity Countdown Week 5Just 5 WEEKS until the start of Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry.  This week we have a video:All the links I mentioned in the video:

Print bookI'm so excited that my new book is ready.  It's based on my eCourse, Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry.  You can use it without taking the course or it's a great add on if you are taking the course to save you from printing everything yourself.There are 6 modules.  In modules 1 - 5 you get a creativity booster, jewelry making lessons and then at least one jewelry making project.  Module 6 is designed to bring everything together.Now through December 25th, 2015, get 25% off with the code:  KTP4And best yet?  You can use that code to get a discount off my other print book, Wire Wrapping for Beginners, too!Click here to purchase.  {Note, you are purchasing directly from Lulu and my print books come directly from them.}Learn more about the Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse here.


Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry New Print Book [And limited time discount!]


Creativity Countdown Week 6: Using Difficult Times as Inspiration (and using creativity to get through difficult times)