Craft Show Tips Audio: Outdoor Craft Shows
In case you are wondering about all the craft show photos I've had lately on these tips, it's because I recently got access to my old photos from hard drives that failed. (Thanks to my dad! He saved 3 hard drives for me that the tech guys told me would cost $1,500 to retrieve the information and they weren't even sure if they could do it!)Here I am at a show. it's my first "First Friday" in Lancaster, PA. It's August 1, 2008 according to how I saved the photo. This photo was taken just before the crowds rolled in. This show changed how I felt about my business. At the time it was my most profitable show and I started to believe that I could do this jewelry making business full-time.Today I have an audio for you about being ready for outdoor craft shows.They can be so much fun and so profitable, but they can be brutal as well. The key factor being weather, which is something we cannot control.We can, however, control how we deal with the weather. This audio will give you tips for be ready for the weather.This audio is longer than my previous one, it's almost 20 minutes long! You can listen below or click the link to download it.[audio mp3=""][/audio]Download
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