Button Bouquets

Button BouquetI recently made these 2 button bouquets as a special request for a customer.Button BouquetI made them in pint mason jars, which I decoupaged with patterns (per the customer's request).  Could these be any cuter?Button BouquetEach bouquet has 32 of these button flowers.Ironically, I'm in the middle of selling off most of my button collect!  I still kept plenty of buttons, though.Button BouquetYou can make your own with my button bouquet tutorial here.  (It's even part of my ECT Episode 4 if you would like to see a video of the process!)Button BouquetThese are so much fun to make, you could probably get me to make one for you, too!  (Just email through my contact page for details)http://kimberliekohler.com/5508/ect-tv-episode-4-buttons/


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