5 Days of Enchantment with Jani Franck, Day 3

Fire I'm blogging along with the 5 Days of Enchantment mini eCourse with Jani Frank.You can find my experiences with Day 1 and Day 2.Today is Day 3.  For the video playshop, click here for Day 3.CampfireToday's prompt is about fire.I have to say that I have a weird relationship with fire.  I don't know why.  Nothing (that I remember) has happened to give me cause to be frightened of fire, but it's still there.Fire is beautiful.Fire is powerful.Fire is frightening.To reframe it, I am focusing on the power and beauty of fire and not the scary aspect.  Respect fire instead of fearing it.Fire 2So I guess I accidentally jumped the gun yesterday with my candle!  As I mentioned, I have a lovely candle on my desk that is scented in Lavender and Lemongrass, my two favorite scents.  I light it whenever I need a bit of inspiration or pick up.  Jani so perfectly tells us that fire helps us focus.  I hadn't realized it, but that is what I do.  If I need to focus I light a candle to get myself centered again.Even more so, I use the sense of smell to help because my candle is scented.  It's both relaxing and energizing.I also love campfires.  I'm lucky enough to have grown up camping and my parents now own a vacation property along a river with a few fire rings!  I love evenings in front of the fire just watching the flames.  It's amazing that at home if I were just sitting around I would go nuts, but in front of a campfire I can sit for hours without checking my email, Facebook or Twitter.FireFor the final creative exercise, this is what I ended up with.  I watched the flame and just followed it and drew without looking and without picking up my pen.  I think it actually captures the jumping flame quite well.  I resisted my urge to draw in a campfire at the bottom, (but I still might do that.)Ready to do this yourself?  Click here for Day 3.And also check out Everyday Enchantment eCourse if you're enjoying these playshops!{{By the way, I am not an affiliate of Jani's.  I just am a big fan.  So there is not ulterior motive at all!  I just want to share with you someone who can help you with your creativity!}}


5 Days of Enchantment with Jani Franck, Day 4


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