5 Days of Enchantment with Jani Franck, Day 2

5-days-of-enchantmentThe 5 Days of Enchantment mini eCourse with Jani Frank started yesterday.  I blogged about my experience here.Today is Day 2.  If you haven't yet begun, do it!  Seriously.  It is just a little bit of your time for some much more delight in your life.IMG_1985In the playshop, Jani mentioned that she likes to light incense before she starts something important.  I love candles.  This candle sits on my desk and it's my favorite 2 scents mixed together.  I use this candle whenever I'm doing something I feel needs inspiration or if my day is on a down slide and I'm trying to turn it back around.  Sometimes I just light it for no real reason in particular.Jani also mentioned opening windows for fresh air, which I have a story about to show you how you can make an incredible difference in your own life with not that much effort.I live in a small apartment at the moment.  It was supposed to be temporary, but we feel in love with the town and the location so we have been here for a few years.  Recently I had been hating the apartment thinking it was way too small and stuffy.Then I realized what the problem was.  (It's weird the things you just get used to.)  When we moved in the blinds were old, but worked.  Over time, one by one, the blinds stopped working, so that only one blind would open on one window.We have an amazing view with 5 large windows that were brand new when we moved in.  But the blinds wouldn't open so I couldn't see the view.One day I thought, why don't we get new blinds?  And we did.And $20 later I was in love with my apartment again.  It no longer felt small and I loved the view.And what's more, I open the blinds, throw open the windows and the fresh air comes in.  It's a great way to start the day.  Plus, I work from home, so it's important that the place feels light and airy.One simple, inexpensive thing can really change your entire lookout.Sometimes I'm having a not so great day and I realize I never even opened the blinds.  I open them and feel so much better instantly.4-22-14{This is just part of my view out my front windows!}On to the exercises for Day 2:1.  Taking deep breaths is something I have often do with Jani in her videos and courses, but not often something I think about doing on my own.I'm going to try to remember to do this simple act, especially when I'm in the middle of a frenzied day and feeling anxious.  Taking a deep breath can really change things.  (See.  One simple thing can really change your entire lookout).2.  Wind bath.  Today is a very calm and still day here, so I can't seem to find any wind.  I do love the feeling of the wind whipping my hair.  Just a moment ago I turned on my fan because I was feeling a little hot.  I sat and closed my eyes and imagined myself up on a windy hill.  It's not really like being outside in the real wind, but it did work for that moment.3.   The final exercise is something I am definitely going to start doing.  As I mentioned up in #1 I definitely have days where I feel frenzied and anxious and it's often for no real reason.  I'm going to be taking this one with me for sure.Here's what I breathed in and out:I breathe in enthusiasm.  I breathe out anxiety.I breathe in confidence.  I breathe out self-doubt.I breathe in love.  I breathe out ill-will.Remember to click here to go to the 5 Days of Enchantment mini eCourse Day 2 to do the exercises yourself.And while you're there, make sure to check out Everyday Enchantment.  (Honestly, just sign up for the Fireside Membership of Bubbling Well if you're looking for a wonderful, creative community and then you get access to all of Jani's eCourses.){{I believe in Jani so much that I'm sharing all this even though I am not affiliate.  I think I have taken every single one of Jani's eCourses both paid and free and I'm a huge fan!  I am so excited for this new eCourse, too!  I hope if Jani resonates with you and this sounds like a good fit that you will take the eCourse, too.  Let me know if you do! }}


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