Charm Week Day 1: Infinity Headpin & Bead Dangle Charm
This week is charm week here at Emerging Creatively Tutorials!Each day you'll find another charm tutorial right here.Today is Day 1 and I have a video tutorial for you! Learn how to make an infinity headpin and then make a bead dangle with it.
The bead dangle is one of the building blocks of charm bracelets. It's as simple of a charm as you can get and you can use it to build up and add more to other charms.And making your own headpins add extra personality and expression to your jewelry creations. Plus, if you happen to have beads with large openings, sometimes headpins from the jewelry store do not work because the beads slide off. These headpins will keep your beads right where you want them.Here's the Infinity Headpin & Bead Dangle Charm Video Tutorial:
I'm so excited about the re-release of my Charm Bracelet eCourse. You'll learn with videos and PDF eBooks how to make a charm bracelet from making chain, headpins and a clasp to making charms and putting it all together.You want to wear your family on your wrist? You'll learn how to make photo charms.You want to express your creativity with funky, chunky bracelets? You'll learn how.It's full of instructions plus ideas for you to express your own creativity.Plus, now you can buy it all at once or make payments. Learn more here.