Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse Scholarship Opportunity

Rediscover Your Creativity & Make JewelrySorry the scholarship period is over!  Make sure you're on my mailing list to find out about the next opportunity when it comes up!(I run this eCourse once or twice a year.  You can sign up for the free mini eCourse here.  You can also check out my eCourse schedule here.)My most popular Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse is coming up in January!  And I have 2 scholarship opportunities for you to join in.Give BackI think it's important to give back.  And I wanted to let you know about an opportunity to win one of two scholarships for Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse plus let you know about an opportunity for you to help a friend of mine as well.First let me tell you about my friend.  She's a beautiful soul.  She's supportive to everyone, giving, caring and a wonderful artist.  You can see and purchase her art here in etsy shop.  I have a collection of her happy trees.I was able to make a donation with a portion from my Thanksgiving weekend sale of Rediscover Your Creativity, Inspired and the bundle to her Go Fund Me campaign, which you can find here if you're feeling charitable.  (Any amount is helpful.)  She's very sick and struggling to pay the very medical expenses that will keep her alive.ScholarshipNow, onto your opportunity to win a scholarship to the January run of Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse.First of all, when you get a scholarship, it's exactly the same as purchasing this eCourse.  You get lifetime access to the eCourse as well.The rules:1.  Please only fill out the application if you do have a financial need.  No, I'm not going to ask you questions about your financial situation.  I'm going to trust that if you're applying you have a need.If you do fill out an application and don't have a financial need, you could be taking a spot from someone who really has no other way to take this eCourse.When you purchase the eCourse, it allows me to give away scholarship to people who could otherwise not afford it.In other words, if you can afford to purchase the eCourse, please do.  If you can't, fill out the application.2.  Fill out this form.  Sorry the scholarship period is over this time!How the Scholarships Will be AwardedI'll award the 2 scholarships and notify the winners personally via email.  For privacy reasons, I'm not going to announce the winners publicly.The last day to apply is December 30th, 2015.  So you have about a week to fill out the application.I'll email the winners to let them know they won on December 31st, 2015.  (So if you don't get an email from me it means you didn't win.)I'll be reading the applications and choosing the winner that I decide based on your answers.  It's not random.  I'll be going with my heart to decide.If you don't get a scholarship, I'm so sorry.  You're welcome to try again the next time.  And that reminds me, if you applied before and didn't get the scholarship, you can try again now.Good luck!It's a quick application.  I promise to only use the information you provide in connection with the scholarship and absolutely no other reason.Click here to apply for the Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse scholarship.To learn more about Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse and purchase (there is a payment plan option as well!) click here.


Creativity Countdown to Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry - Week 1


Creativity Countdown to Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry - Week 2