Q & A with Kim - Ask me Anything!

Q & A with KimUpdate:  The Q & A is now over, but please feel free to contact me or comment on blogposts to ask questions anytime.  :)Hi there!I know you have questions and I want to answer them!So on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Eastern Time I'm going to answer them right here on my website.How it works:Submit your question right here on this blogpost.  Just click "reply" below and write your question and submit it.  You can do this anytime between now and Wednesday and even during the 2:00 to 4:00 time.  You can submit your question ahead of time and I'll answer it at that time.On Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. I'll start answering your questions right here in the same place.  You will find your answer as a reply to your comment.  If you ask a question ahead of time, make sure to come back and see your answer.  You can also ask a follow up question if my answer isn't clear.Everything will be right here in writing on this blogpost in the comments section.  (It says "reply.")What you can ask:Really anything.  If I don't know the answer, I'll let you know that I don't know.If you are rude or mean, I'll probably not post your question at all.  If it's too personal, I'll just let you know.I'm most expecting questions along the lines of the following because that's where I can be the most help:

  • Jewelry making - can be general or specific techniques, troubleshooting questions, ideas you want to run by me, etc. *
  • Creativity related questions
  • Art Journal related questions
  • Inspiration related questions
  • Any questions about my "Inspired Mini Series" that's running right now.  Questions about it or things that have come up for you during the prompts so far.
  • Questions related to any of my products or eCourses.
  • Questions about my upcoming "Inspired" eCourse or "Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry"

*Regarding jewelry techniques:  please ask away even if you don't think I can type an answer in text.  I may already have a video or tutorial that I can point you to.  If not, I may do a video or photo tutorial in the near future to help answer your question if it's not easily answered with typewritten words.  I'll let you know when you ask the question.Other questions are encouraged as well.  Like I said, if I can answer it, I will.When:Submit your question anytime starting right now by just clicking reply and typing in your question.I'll answer your question on November 18, 2015 starting at 2:00 p.m. my time (Eastern US time.)  At 4:00 pm the questions will be closed.I'm excited to see what you want to ask me!  :)


ECT TV Episode 53: Side Drilled Bead Earrings


Inspired Mini Series: Art Journal to Jewelry Week #1-A