Free Workshop on Creativity & Jewelry Making Part 3: Jewelry Project
Hello and Welcome to a 3 part Creativity & Jewelry Making eWorkshop. The three parts include:
- Part 1 – Creativity Booster (an activity to give you inspiration and get your creative juices going.
- Part 2 – Jewelry Making Skills Lessons
- Part 3 – Jewelry Making Project (this!)
Today we’re on Part 3: Jewelry Making ProjectWe'll use the inspiration from the creative booster in Part 1 together with the jewelry making skills lessons in Part 2 to make a custom, unique bracelet. (Or make any jewelry you feel inspired to create!)Watch the video here:You'll use the inspiration from the Creativity Booster in Part 1 along with the jewelry making skills you learned in Part 2 together to make your bracelet.For the PDF eBook, click here: Home Inspiration eWorkshop Part 3I'm so excited to announce my Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry eCourse is now open for registration.Rediscover Your Creativity & Make Jewelry is 6 week course, held online with video instruction and PDF eBooks. Plus you get a full PDF eBook of all the lessons to download and save.It’s perfect for people who want to learn to make jewelryor for people who already make jewelry but want to be more creative.Each week you get:
- A Creativity Booster (a creative activity designed to boost, uncover or unblock your creativity)
- Jewelry Making Lessons
- And Jewelry Making Projects (18 total!)
To learn more and sign up, click here.Let me know if you have any questions!