My New Journal and the first page from it
I got a new art journal! YAY! I think I may have an obsession with collecting them, but you never know what you're going to want to use, right?Anyway, I made a video showing you my journal and the first page from it (also there's photos below.)Also, most importantly, I try to explain how inspiration came from many places for the first page I made.Here's the video:
I was recently watching a video at Paperclipping (I'm a member there and it was a video in the membership, which I highly recommend if you're a scrapbooker or want to be one) about scrapping yourself.This isn't a scrapbook page, but the ideas she had I did incorporate into this page.I got this journal at my favorite store in Lititz, PA, called Back Home Again. I'm inspired just walking through and I love all the different journals they have (and they have a lot of other stuff, too!)Back Home Again also has the cutest bags I've ever seen. I always save them. So I decided to cut apart the bag and use the pieces on this page.Also, a couple of weeks ago my mom and I were on a scrapbook shop hop (called Buggies and Buds - I live in an area full of Amish and many of the stores were Amish owned.) The stores had either make and takes (or take and makes) and we using stenciling at one of the stores (Pages in Time.) I hadn't really done any stenciling before and I loved it.So along the shop hop I purchased some stencils.I wanted to use that pretzel image from the bag, but it had that dark blue background. (The bag actually is that green color and dark blue.) So I wanted to introduce that dark blue in. So I added the blue using a stencil.
I think of this page as memory keeping. I journaled about the store and I added in the receipt. (I probably should have copied the receipt and used the copy because the receipt will probably fade.) I was excited about the receipt because it was the first time that someone actually used the microchip in my card and the method on the receipt is "chip."It will be fun to look back at this page years from now. I may or may not still live in Lititz, the store may or may not still be there, I may or may not still be obsessed with journals.I hope that this example of multiple points of inspiration helps you think about the different ways you can pull different ideas and inspiration into your work (whether it's jewelry making, art journals or something else!)