Inspired Mini Series: Art Journal Inspiration to Jewelry, Week 3
This free 3 week series will help you feel inspired and teach you how to get inspiration and express your inspiration through making jewelry.Each week you will receive 2 prompts. The first is a journal prompt where you can write a list, journal or create an art journal page in any way you like. You can use paint, crayons, collage or other mixed media, colored pencils or simply words. I like making lists. You may want to draw or write a poem.The second weekly prompt will give you ideas to take inspiration from your art journal page and translate it into a piece of jewelry. I’ll share what I made, but I expect that your piece will be quite different because your response to the art journal prompt will be quite different from mine.Each week is full of inspiration and ideas to express yourself through making jewelry.Find the previous prompts here:
Today I have a new art journal prompt for you.Here's the video:Week #2 Art Journal Prompt is:Out my window . . .You can respond in any way you like.
- Make a list
- Write it out
- Write a poem
- Draw a picture
- Paint
- Collage
- Use photos
- Anything at all you can think of to represent the prompt for you.
If this is your very first attempt at journaling, I recommend you simply make a list in response to the prompt and then maybe use some crayons, markers or colored pencils to add some color.You can see an example of some art journal pages at the following links:
My Page:I'm not great at painting, but I do love to paint. Doing it in my art journal means that no one has to see it but me and I also get to practice as much as I like without sharing as well.For my page, I simply used inexpensive watercolors. I have really gotten into using watercolors lately and I have a waterbrush (the water is in the brush handle!) that makes things really simple and easy.One of the big reasons we live where we live is we love the view from our home. I love this tree outside our window. It takes on many different colors throughout the year. In the spring it's white. In the summer it's green. Right now it's beautiful autumn colors.Now, it's your turn!Use the prompt “out my window” and create your own art page. Like I mentioned above, it can be in any format you like or feel comfortable with. Just do it and don’t get hung up on making something beautiful or perfect.On Friday, we’ll pull inspiration from your page to make a piece of jewelry!
Check out my Inspired eCourse for art journal inspiration to jewelry creation!