How eWorkshops Work
I've received released a new eWorkshop and I'm planning on releasing more soon! (I have another one in the works right now!)So you may be wondering what exactly is an eWorkshop.I'm going to explain it right here.I should say first, I'm talking specifically about my eWorkshops that you purchase from me. I can't really speak to others'. (Although I'm not really sure I've seen the word "eWorkshop" around before.)On a basic level, an eWorkshop is a virtual or digital workshop. It's held online. It's similar to going to an in person workshop. You'll learn how to make a piece of jewelry or in some cases a few pieces of jewelry, but it's not a full eCourse.You get a video plus a PDF eBook with instructions on how to make the jewelry.You have anytime access. You can come back to it anytime you like. There's no set time for the eWorkshop. (And you can come dressed however you like! It's in your own home on your computer!)
How it Works, Step-by-Step:You purchase an eWorkshop from either this eWorkshop page or the individual pages that have more information about each eWorkshop. You'll find a link to each individual eWorkshop's full description under the box on its eWorkshop page.Once you make your purchase, you'll receive an email with a link to download your purchase. Click on that link and a PDF will open.I have 2 different types of eWorkshops, but I tell you right on the page where you purchase what to expect. However, typically that PDF is an eBook with step-by-step photo instructions on the project for the eWorkshop. Right at the beginning of that eBook you'll find a link for a private video along with a password so you can watch the video. That's the video tutorial.A couple of my eWorkshops are held on private password protected pages and you'll get that in the eBook instead. Once you go to the page you'll find the video(s) and PDF eBook(s) for the eWorkshop.
All of my eWorkshops come with my learning guarantee. You will learn what I say you'll learn or I'll help you until you do. If you find my instructions unclear or you're stuck or confused, you simply just email me for help and I will help you.Components you get with all of my eWorkshops:
- PDF eBook of step-by-step photo instructions with clear, concise written directions.
- Clear, friendly step-by-step video tutorial (in real time) that is password protected.
- Access to me via email for help.
If you want a little taste of what an eWorkshop is like, check out my ECT TV episodes. There you get the video and step-by-step photo instructions. (And my newsletter subscribers get a PDF eBook of the tutorial for each ECT TV episode as well!)I hope this makes it crystal clear what an eWorkshop is. The individual eWorkshop's page will tell you exactly what to expect and, of course, you can always contact me if you have any questions!