Earrings Every Day Month, Days 25 and 26
We're in the home stretch of Earrings Every Day Month! If you missed it this year, I'm so sorry, but you can watch for it again in September 2016!The idea is to make a pair of earrings each day for the month of September. (Sorry that the daily inspirational email is closed now to new participants, as well as the Earrings eCourse that goes along with it with tutorials every day. These will reopen next year!)If you still want to participate, you can simply challenge yourself every day for a month. It doesn't have to be earrings necessarily, but earrings are (usually) quick to make and you can feel creative in a short period of time.Here are the earrings I have made the past couple of days:Day 25: Leaf Earrings
The wire leaf earrings are a very simple version of the originals I made. I really just wanted that leaf shape. Also, they're much smaller than my original earrings. (The earring tutorial is available in the Nature Jewelry eWorkshop.)I used brass wire, which I'm using more and more of lately. The original tutorial had beads, but I kept these super simple and clean.Day 26: Spiral and Dangle Earrings
I also simplified these earrings from the original tutorial as well. I used just plain earring wires. I made those little spiral coils (under the beads) but I only used one per earring (in the original there were two.)Additionally, I didn't hammer the wires hanging down. I do love hammering and the look of hammered metal, but I wanted to see how it would look without hammering and I I really like this version, too!Are you still in it? Are you hanging in there making earrings each day? :) Maybe you can take this weekend to make some extra earrings.Here are links to the previous earrings:Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Days 6 & 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Days 12, 13 & 14Day 15 (ECT TV Episode 49)Days 16, 17 & 18Days 19-23Day 24