ECT TV Episode 56: Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal Inspiration

ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationHi and welcome to a new episode of Emerging Creatively Tutorials TV (ECT TV)!Today I'll show you how I took inspiration from my art journal to make a simple necklace.You'll learn:

  • How to make a knotted headpin
  • How to make a bead dangle with a wire wrapped loop
  • How to open and close jump rings
  • How to make a simple necklace

Here's today's video episode:ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationStep-by-Step Photo Instructions:These are step-by-step instructions of the exact same tutorial that's in the video.Wire Wrapping ToolsTools and Materials:

* If you're going to make a knotted headpin (which I will show you), I suggest using 22 gauge wire.  However, if you decide to make any other kind of headpin I would encourage you to use 20 gauge wire.Step #1ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationCut a piece of wire that's a few inches longer than your bead on each side.Step #2ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationA few inches from one end of the wire make a bend.Step #3ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationHold the bend in the wire in chain nose pliers and bend up the wire as seen in the photo.Step #4ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationHold the bend in chain nose pliers again and start wrapping the shorter end of the wire around.  This will form the "knot."  (Note:  it's not really a knot, just looks like a knot.)You can make this part as messy or neat as you like.Wrap as closely to the tip as you can get.Step #5ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationWrap until you like the look and then trim off the excess wire.Step #6ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationSlide your bead on the wire.Step #7ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationHold the wire in round nose pliers just above the bead.Step #8ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationWrap the wire around your round nose pliers and in between the pliers and the bead.Step #9ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationThe loop will be off center, so we'll fix that now.ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationThere are several ways you can fix it, but I like to hold the loop in my chain nose pliers.  As I wrap the wire around once I simply move my chain nose pliers up to straighten the loop so it's centered in the middle of the bead.Step #10ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationThen switch hands still holding the loop in chain nose pliers and wrap the wire around a few more times.  Keep your wraps as tight and straight as possible.Step #11ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal Inspiration ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationTrim off any excess wire and make sure the end is not poking out.Step #12ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationDecide how long you'd like your necklace to be and cut your chain with your wire cutters.Step #13ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationUsing a jump ring, attach your clasp to the chain.  If you're using a lobster clasp, add the clasp to one end and a couple of jump rings to the other end for it to connect to.Step #14ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationFind the middle of the chain.  Open a jump ring.  Add the charm and close the jump ring.Note:  You can attach the jump ring right into a link and then the charm will stay in one spot or you could place the jump ring around the chain and then the charm can move around.Step #15ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationOpen another jump ring.  I attached this jump ring to the jump ring that holds the charm.  Add the bead dangle and close the jump ring.ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationGet a closer look at the art journal page that inspired this piece on this blogpost that I did last week.ECT TV Episode 56:  Make a Simple Necklace from Art Journal InspirationWant to dive deeper into art journaling and pulling inspiration out of art journal pages to inspire jewelry pieces?Want to feel Inspired?Check out my upcoming Inspired eCourse.  You can read all about it here.InspiredGet future ECT TV episodes in your inbox!  You get a PDF of the tutorial and a link to the video when it's ready.  Sign up here.


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Art Journal Page: I Chose This