Inspiration Book Series: Prompt 3

Inspiration Book SeriesWant to feel more inspired and creative?Want to find your inspiration?My free Inspiration Book Series will help you!Each week get a creatively inspiring prompt right here on my website.  Do the prompt in your Inspiration Book and feel more inspired!For an introduction to the Inspiration Book Series, check out the Inspiration Book Introduction.For all of the Inspiration Book Series prompts, click here.Prompt 3:  Go for a WalkWatch the video:Prompt 3 is about going for a walk and paying attention to what you find.  And I'm talking about physical things you find on the ground.  It may be feathers, twigs and rocks or things like zipper pulls that fell off someone's clothes.Inspiration Book Series Prompt 3Steps:

  • Go for a walk.  This can be in your town or out in the country or even just around your own backyard.  Keep your eyes open for interesting things you find along the way.  I find a ton of feathers when I'm walking, but I also find twigs and random bits like zipper pulls, which I collect.
  • Pick one thing and stick it in your album.  (If it's too big and won't fit, then draw it!)
  • Draw the item different ways on the page.
  • Repeat as much as you like!

I know that most of you are jewelry makers, so drawing isn't necessarily your strong suit.  Just give it a try!Reflection:Think about the shapes of the items.  Is there anything that is inspiring for your next jewelry piece?If you have ideas, sketch them in your Inspiration Book!

I use my Inspiration Book to help inspire my creativity in jewelry making.  If you want to learn how to make wire wrapped jewelry, get my FREE Intro to Wire Wrapping eCourse.  You'll learn everything you need to know to start making wire jewelry and you'll even get a few simple jewelry projects!Get the Free Intro to Wire Wrapping eCourse:
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