Button Tree Tutorial

Button Tree TutorialThis tutorial was inspired by my Button Bouquet Tutorial.  Instead of flowers, we're making a tree.Button Tree Materials and ToolsTools and Materials:

  • Buttons of your choice.  I used 6 for my button tree, but you may want to use more or less.  Also you can use shank buttons or 2 or 4 hole buttons.  I'll show you how to use either type.
  • Craft wire.  I used floral wire, but you can also use any craft wire.  Floral wire is typically green, which is why I used it.
  • Wire cutters
  • Chain nose or flat nose pliers

Step #1Button Tree Tutorial StepSlide a button onto the floral wire.Step #2Button Tree Tutorial StepBend over the wire.  This is different than the button bouquet.  If you look at the finished project at the top, you'll see that the buttons will be flat against the wire - there's a definite front and back to this project.Step #3Button Tree Tutorial StepTwist the wire.Hint:  I like to hold the wire with the pliers and use my other hand to twist with the button.Button Tree Tutorial StepStep #4:  Two-Hole and Four-Hole ButtonsButton Tree Tutorial StepButton Tree Tutorial StepButton Tree Tutorial StepThis is exactly like steps #2 and #3, but with a two-hole button instead of a shank button.  Just put the wire through the two holes.Twist in the back.Then bend the wire so the button is flat against the wire.Button Tree Tutorial StepFor a four-hole button, do exactly the same thing, just use two diagonal holes.Step #5Button Tree Tutorial StepMake sure all of the buttons are flat against the wire, as seen in the photo. (They kind of look like lollipops.)Step #6Button Tree Tutorial StepMake an arrangement of how you want your tree to look.Step #7Button Tree Tutorial StepI cut about 5" of the wire off now.  I realized later they were still too long and cut off another few inches.  You can decide as you go how long to make your tree.  How tall you can make it also depends upon the stability of your base.Step #8Button Tree Tutorial StepButton Tree Tutorial StepButton Tree Tutorial StepTwist the stems together in groups of two.Then twist them all together at the bottomStep #9Button Tree Tutorial StepPull the buttons apart in whatever way you like.Step #10Button Tree Tutorial Step(Note:  This is where I cut off an extra few inches)Since I'm using an old thread spool, I bent up the ends of the tree so that it's more stable in the spool.Step #11Button Tree Tutorial StepPush the end into the spool, or whatever you are using as a base.Step #12Button Tree TutorialYour button tree is complete, perfect for decoration or a gift!!Button Tree Tutorial Enjoy!Quick Start GuideGet my free Quick Start Guide to Wire Wrapped Jewelry + my fun newsletter!Here are the lessons that are included:

  1. Wire Safety
  2. Wire Temper
  3. Wire Gauge
  4. Where to get Wire (one of my most asked questions, answered!)
  5. Tools You Need to Get Started
  6. 3 Pro Tips
  7. Wire Wrapped Loop
  8. How to Make Bead Dangle
  9. How to Make Earring Wires
  10. How to Make Earrings

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