Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2

Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2 I've been using my Mini Binder Art Journal for a couple of weeks now, and I have an update for you today.I’m loving the freedom of this art journal and it’s really inspiring my creativity.  I love that I can add in little things that just delight me like postcards or Project Life cards that I love anywhere I like.I shared my intentions and an introduction into my Mini Binder Art Journal here.Update 1 is here.Here’s a video flip through of this update:(if you prefer to just look at the photos of my pages, see below)Photos and descriptions of the pages: Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2Postcard with quote written on the back.  "There are always flowers for those who want to see them."  ~Henri MatisseNext page is a reminder of this quote in my own words.

  • Background is watercolor.
  • I drew the flowers.
  • I used chalk markers to color in the flowers.

Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2On this page I drew pictures of the creatures we saw during a hike at the Swatara State Park.  No, I can't draw, but I wanted to remember this day anyway, so I just went for it.  (And who knows?  With practice I could get better!)Mini Binder Art Journal Update 25 Good Things from this day.  I saw someone on Instagram had this prompt in their art journal and I decided to give it a try.I taped strips of masking tape and then used watercolors to pain the stripes.  After the paint dried I pulled the tape off and wrote the list.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2I love great blue herons, so I decided to look up some information about them and put it in my art journal.The background is watercolor.  I took the photo.  On the back I wrote my own reflections about great blue herons.  (See next photo.)Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2Right side:  very minimalist art journal page.  Background is kraft paper.  I used a Project Life card and then a printed out quote.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2The next few pages are dedicated to one fun day I had with my husband.This page is a drawing of our day and what we did.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2Left side is a collection of receipts from the day.  Right side is a few feathers I collected at the lake we visited.  Background is watercolor.I love using everyday ephemera and collecting little memorabilia I can use in my art journal.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2This page was something else I saw on Instagram.  What's working and what's not working.  Background is watercolor.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2This page contains tags and a receipt from a shopping trip to Community Aid, a thrift store and charity.  I love how the different colors work together.  Background is acrylic paint.  I had painted the page and didn't like it, but I like it with the ephemera on top.Mini Binder Art Journal Update 2Background is watercolor.  Then I added feathers I picked up during a walk around my town one day.

Follow along with my posts of my art journal pages on my Instagram page:  @KimberlieKohler  I try to post daily, but sometimes I'm not quite as consistent.  


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