Free Inspired Mini Course - Introduction & Part 1

Sometimesyou don’t feel 100% creative and you need a little boost.  You might be in the middle of a creativeblock and need a little inspiration to get your creative motivation back.

Today I’m sharing Part 1 of a new free mini eCourse to help inspire you and get you started toward creativity again.

[Below is basically a transcript of the video.]

This free mini course is in 5 parts:

  • Part 1 is a creative activity to inspire you and boost yourcreativity.
  • Part 2 is creating an art journal page.  Don’t worry if you haven’t done this before,I’ll suggest ideas for your art journal – even if you don’t feel like anartist.  Even though I’ll be sharing mypages, your art journal is just for you and you don’t have to share your pageswith anyone.
  • In Part 3 we’ll pull out themes and ideas from your artjournal page.
  • In Part 4 we’ll sketch our jewelry ideas.  Don’t worry if you don’t think you can sketchor draw.
  • Part 5 is a jewelry tutorial.  In this mini course I hope that you’ll beinspired to come up with your own unique ideas with your own personalstyle.  If you do, I hope you’ll makeyour own piece.  However, if you’re notsure, I have a fun, customizable jewelry tutorial for you using materials youlikely already have on hand.

As I said, I’ll share Part 1 here today.  To get the remaining lessons, Parts 2-5, just sign up below and I’ll send you the link to enroll in the mini course for free!

This mini course will give you a taste of my full eCourse, Inspired eCourse.  Inspired eCourse is a creativity/art journal/jewelry making course.  If you like this mini course, you’ll love Inspired eCourse.  You can check out the full Inspired eCourse here: Inspired eCourse.

Now, let’sget started.

Part 1:  CreativityBooster:  Clean Your Workspace

Part 1 is acreativity boosting exercise.  Theexercise is clean your workspace.

Byworkspace I mean anywhere you work, whether you have a full studio, a drawerstashed with beads or anything in between.

I think themain reasons this works are:

#1  You will get your mind off ofcreativity.  This will actually help youcome up with ideas.  My very best ideashappen when I’m doing something else. Have you ever noticed you get ideas in the shower or when you’re doingmindless chores around the house?

#2  You will actually see and touch yoursupplies.  You might find things youforgot about or lost and get ideas of what to do with those supplies.

#3  Have a clean space makes you want to diveback into a project.

Sometimesit’s our tendency to want to “come up with ideas” or really push ourselves whenwe have creative blocks.  Instead I findit helpful to do something — almost anything — else.

Forinstance, cleaning your workspace, taking a shower, cleaning your house, doingthe dishes, basically doing something that takes your mind off creativity, butsomething you don’t have to think about too hard.  Maybe reading a fun novel or magazine wouldwork for you.

Do you rememberthat feeling when you’re in the bead store or online shopping and you find agreat bead, clasp, etc. that you can’t wait to use?

Sometimes youdon’t use it right away.  Then life callsand you’ve moved on.  The beads getstashed on your worktable or in a box or wherever and you forget about them.

Thishappens to everyone.

Sometimesyou have a few beautiful leftover beads from a project that have been tossedaside or forgotten.

When youorganize your supplies, you will see them again.  It’s like when you got them the firsttime!  Now you’re excited to use themagain.

I find thisto be the case even with leftover beads from other projects.  I’ll be like, “Yay!  I still have a few of these beads!”  And start coming up with an idea.

What youcan do right now:

Even if youhave very little time to do a whole big reorganization, you can set a timer for15 or 20 minutes and see how far you get.


  • Putting away beads leftover from a project.
  • Organizing your tools.
  • Just picking out the scrap wire to recycle.
  • Just picking out any trash that accumulated.
  • Separating your mess into piles of like items (i.e. a pileof wire, a pile of beads, a pile of tools, a pile of findings)
  • Make a list of things you need to get at the store tocomplete your organization (i.e. bins, bead containers, etc.)

As you cansee, even if you don’t have hours to devote, you can just set a timer for 5minutes and take one step.  Even just 5minutes can really get your creativity percolating. 

Also, youmay find things you want to let go of. You can donate this items to a charity thrift store or someone who wouldlove them.

I gothrough and purge my supplies every so often and I love the feeling of knowingI love everything I have left.

So dive inand clean up your workspace.  When youfind some beads that you’re really inspired by as you go along, go ahead andput them to the side for a jewelry project. I like to collect beads I want to use next in a pretty bowl or on atray.

To continue with the FREE Inspired Mini Course, sign up below. You'll receive an email immediately with access to enroll for free to get the remaining lessons. Plus you'll get some extra emails with helpful inspiration to guide you on your journey.

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