100 Days of Mini Collages - First Week

#The100DayProjectThis year I'm participating in #The100DayProject.  I didn't really think I would post on my blog about this because I'm actually not great at keeping up with projects that are that long.But so far I haven't missed a day and it seems really manageable, so here I am. For The 100 Day Project, you simply choose a project and do it for 100 days.  It began on April 3rd (but honestly, you can start something like this anytime you like!)I didn't want to add another big "To Do" to my list and I wanted this to just simply be fun, so I chose something very easy and quick.I got a 3.5 inch X 5 inch sketchpad at Michael's when I was shopping there with my mom a couple of weeks ago.  It was cute and it was on sale for around $2.00.  (And my mom bought it for me - thanks, Mom!)I didn't actually know what my plan was for it, but then that night I found out about The 100 Day Project and this pad has exactly 100 pages.I decided on mini collages because I love creating collages.  I have little scraps of paper I save to use up.100 Days of Mini CollagesI also needed something portable because I'm traveling a lot and I didn't want to miss a day.Everything I need fits in this cute pencil pouch.100 Days of Mini CollagesI have a Ziplock baggie of paper scraps, different colors of pens, little scissors, tape runner, a black pen and the actual little sketchbook itself all fit in there for easy travel.How has it worked so far?I've completed a new mini collage every single day.  Usually I do it in the morning before I get my day started.  It only takes a few minutes.  Then I take a quick photo and post it on Instagram.That's another thing I had to get over to make this project less complicated.  I actually hate taking photos with my phone.  Even on Instagram I typically take photos with my big camera and then upload them.  That process is fine, except if I'm doing this every day and taking a photo for Instagram every day then I needed to let go of having perfect photos and just take cellphone photos of the projects, especially since sometimes I'm rushing off somewhere as soon as I get the collage done.And it's been fine.  In fact, it's been very freeing and fun.Follow me on Instragram:  @KimberlieKohlerI'm using the specific hashtag #100DaysofMiniCollages for my project.Here are all of my mini collages so far:Day #1100 Days of Mini CollagesDay #2100 Days of Mini CollagesDay #3100 Days of Mini Collages(On this day I decided I preferred a horizontal orientation of the page and I'll probably stick to that from now on.)Day #4100 Days of Mini CollagesDay #5100 Days of Mini CollagesDay #6100 Days of Mini CollagesDay #7100 Days of Mini CollagesIt's been really fun and inspiring to do this so far and I'm excited to continue!Remember:Follow me on Instragram:  @KimberlieKohlerI'm using the specific hashtag #100DaysofMiniCollages for my project. 


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